Puja & Altar Supplies

For thousands of years, the yogis of India have used sacred tools to enhance their consciousness and deepen their meditative practices. Below are some of the most powerful tools to empower your personal practices and sanctify your temple/altar space.


The Lamp of the Awake!

A Yogic Discipline To Set Yourself Free And Cleanse The Mind




Rudraksha Mala

To Empower Your Meditation Practice And Amplify Your Mantra Energies!




Saffron Turban/Shawl

To Enhance The Energies Generated By Your Meditation!





Mystical Yantras

Geometric Representations of the Divine Energies!




SivaSivaa Teachings of mantra initiation, breathing techniques (pranayama), supermind meditation teachings:

Double Disc Set With Energized Turban, Rudraksha Mala and Sacred Prasad of the Ariven Siddha Temple.  A life changing journey of grace to align the inner Lamp with Nandhiji!


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