Inside our Siddha Ayurvedic Laboratory

All supplements are made inside our ISO 9001 certified, state-of-the-art labratories. The testing of proprietary and generic formulations are done going by methods prescribed in Good Manufacturing Practices and pharmacopeias in labs using modern equipment. To comply with mandatory/statutory requirements, we have setup the following labs in-house, fully equipped with all necessary instruments:
Analytical Lab (Chemistry Section)
We determine the solubility of medicine in various media including oil and water, and the fragility of raw materials and drugs, among others.
Instrumentation Lab
Tests are conducted to identify the presence of active principals, and key ingredients in the raw materials and final drug/food products. The important instruments used in this Lab include HPLC and gas chromatography (GC).
Microbiology Lab
Tests are done to detect the fungal and bacterial growth in raw materials and finished drug products.
Pharmacognacy Lab
This lab is equipped with binocular microscopes, and microtones, and thin layer chromatography (TLC) apparatus to identify raw herbs, and test their quality.
Standard Sample Room
We have a dedicated Standards Room to keep the samples of drugs that conform to all standards. Drugs of each batch are tested against the standard samples for raw material quality and their right combinations, presence of active principals to make sure that they produce desired health effects.

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